The René Law Firm is owned by attorney Patricia A. René. Ms. René is a seasoned lawyer, licensed to practice law in various jurisdictions which include:

  • The Supreme Court of the United States

  • The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

  • The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

  • The Commonwealth of Virginia

  • The State of California

  • The United States District Court for the Eastern and Western District of Virginia

Ms. René has extensive trial experience, including jury trials of offenses classified as violent crimes. Her thorough trial preparation includes well-researched, written, and argued pretrial motions. She identifies and works with expert witnesses of many disciplines to bring clarity to complex trial issues such as DNA and computer forensics. Ms. René is a highly effective trial lawyer.

In addition to being a seasoned trial lawyer, Ms. René is a highly accomplished appellate lawyer. She perfects appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, the Court of Appeals of Virginia, the Supreme Court of Virginia, and the Supreme Court of the United States. Ms. René has researched, written, and filed hundreds of appellate court pleadings, replete with multiple issues. Ms. René has argued cases orally before the appellate courts on hundreds of occasions, including en banc. Ms. René’s appeals have resulted in the reversal of criminal convictions and trial court decisions, and setting legal precedents.

The unprecedented 66 writs of appeal awarded in Ms. René’s cases before the Virginia Court of Appeals rules change, demonstrate Ms. René’s highly persuasive written and oral communication skills — essential to a successful appeal.

Ms. René is certified by the Supreme Court of Virginia to act as a Guardian Ad Litem for children.